Monday, April 5, 2010

My Urban Garden

I find plants creepy. Yes. I do. And yet, for the last few weeks, I have been comtemplating buying a plant. Don't get me wrong, i don't hate plants. I just have different feelings around different plants.

I have kept 2 or 3 potted plants in my apartment in Vancouver, some dying and some with some success. Of course, I did live in a North Facing apartment so it was pretty difficult to keep anything growing for long.

Now that I'm living in sunny (sometimes stormy) Singapore, I suddenly fancy myself to be a bit of an urban gardener. I picked up a lovely ZZ plant from Ikea and then on Sunday, I picked up an Orchird (mini-dendrobium), a baby Aloe plant and a type of Echeveria cactus plant. Oh, and I'm trying to grow lemon grass, galangal and ginger. Have them in glasses of water right now, trying to inspire some rooting and then if that's successful, will be plunking them into pots of soil. I love all my plants! I do hope they will keep living and I did a lot of research before settling on these ones as they are quite ok in terms of maintenance. The Orchid maybe a little bit more finicky but I love orchids! I had to get one and try my hand at it. Besides I read Mini-dens are pretty good starter orchirds. 

Introducing my new friends, plants...... :):):)
Miss O.

Cassie the ZZ Plant
Ginger, Lemongrass, Galangal
Rosy and Lolo
Another shot of Rosy and Lolo


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