Saturday, June 12, 2010

My trip to HK

Hong Kong was amazing! I loved how organic and gritty the city is and how there doesn't seem to be a plan with buildings just sprouting where ever they desire. Tall, dense and extremely urban. You could be dining on the 20th floor and feel like you're on the 3rd floor. Peering out of the windows, I feel like I'm just waiting for an airborne car to zoom right by. Any day now, I'm sure it'll happen first in Hong Kong. 

We were lucky to have wonderful friends who brought us out to dinner so we had really good food for the two nights that we were in HK. It was just so much fun to soak up another Asian city for the weekend.

My time there was regrettably too short. Too little shopping, definitely not enough eating. But there will be next time since I am but a mere short flight away. And of course no trip to HK will be complete without buying some tech toys. Danjel bought a Canon 5D Mark II and I acquired an Asus EEEPC. Needless to say, we are happy, happy people.


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